“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
There are many Christians today who have a difficult time receiving the fact that the Father loves them. Maybe they had what they would call a terrible past before they came to Christ or maybe even after being born again, they committed some sin that they think causes God to love them less than He does some other Christian. Neither of those, nor anything else is a valid reason for any person, let alone, a Christian to doubt God’s love for them. If God showed His love for you while you were a sinner by sending Jesus to die for you, then just by simple reasoning, He has to love you as His child. The Father’s great expression of love toward you was His giving His best, Jesus Christ, for you while you were a sinner. I would challenge you today to run this fact through your mind until it becomes a reality to you. You are more loved by the Father than you realize; and He loves you so much that now as His child, He has given to you everything that He has given to Jesus Christ. In fact, the Scripture declares to us that the Father loves us in the same way that He loves Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!!
Scripture reading: John 17:1-26